Trump Lawyer Questions Stormy Daniels About Merchandise

Trump Lawyer Questions Stormy Daniels About Merchandise

  • Post category:New York

A lawyer in Donald J. Trump’s criminal trial on Thursday sharply attacked Stormy Daniels over her account of having had sex with Mr. Trump, suggesting that she has continually sought to make money off their liaison.

Ms. Daniels had a simple retort: So has Mr. Trump.

Before Mr. Trump became president of the United States in 2016, he was more of a savvy marketer than a real estate tycoon, lending his name to all sorts of projects and products. There was Trump Ice Natural Spring Water, Trump Home mattresses, Trump steaks, Trump men’s wear.

Even today, on, a blue Trump Signature Collection silk necktie sells for $125.

Mr. Trump’s lawyer Susan Necheles argued during cross-examination that Ms. Daniels wanted to make money from the outset, which motivated her to go public about her 2006 encounter with Mr. Trump.

Ms. Necheles noted to Ms. Daniels that she has “an online store where you sell merchandise.”

She mentioned a $40 “Saint of Indictments” devotional candle that carries an image of the porn star draped in a Christ-like robe. (Mr. Trump himself recently made news by hawking a Bible for $59.99.)

The lawyer characterized Ms. Daniels’s online commerce as “shilling.”

Ms. Daniels retorted: “Not unlike Mr. Trump.”

by NYTimes