The Words That Have Defined This Week in Trump’s Hush-Money Trial

The Words That Have Defined This Week in Trump’s Hush-Money Trial

  • Post category:New York

During the past week in Donald Trump’s criminal trial, there has been talk of trysts and the trade in the secrets of the rich and famous.

But the case at its core revolves around the integrity of dry financial documents.

Prosecutors say Mr. Trump faked business records to conceal a payment to a porn star, Stormy Daniels, whose damaging story threatened to derail his 2016 presidential campaign. The former president is charged with 34 felony counts connected to his reimbursements to his former lawyer and right-hand man, Michael D. Cohen, who paid Ms. Daniels to keep her story of a sexual encounter hidden. If convicted, Mr. Trump could face probation or up to four years behind bars.

Witnesses so far have included a banker, a media executive, a lawyer for Ms. Daniels, a C-SPAN archives specialist and an assistant to Mr. Trump. Here are the most memorable things that have been said in court over the past seven days:

David Pecker, former publisher of The National Enquirer, testified last week about how his publication paid for stories that could have harmed Mr. Trump and then never published them. Prosecutors hoped to show that the payments originated with Mr. Trump.

On Thursday, Mr. Pecker testified that after the tabloid’s parent company, American Media Inc., paid a Playboy model to stay quiet, Mr. Trump did not immediately reimburse him. Mr. Pecker said he asked Mr. Cohen, “Who is going to pay for it?” Mr. Pecker said the former fixer-turned-state-witness responded: “Don’t worry. I’m your friend. The boss will take care of it.”

Mr. Cohen hasn’t yet taken the stand, but he has been mentioned or at least referred to in every stage of the trial, from jury selection to opening statements to witness testimony.

The prosecutors, who expect Mr. Cohen to be a key witness, face a challenge in how to describe him. They will need to show that Mr. Cohen, of whom witnesses have been critical, is still credible.

Everything was urgent with Michael Cohen,” said Gary Farro, a banker at First Republic Bank who helped Mr. Cohen open an account that was used for the hush-money payment.

Another witness, Keith Davidson, testified on Tuesday that a phone call from Mr. Cohen was usually a sign of turbulence ahead. Mr. Davidson, a lawyer, represented both Ms. Daniels and Karen McDougal, the Playboy model, who was paid for her story of an affair.

“No one wanted to talk to Cohen,” Mr. Davidson said, adding: “He was highly excitable, sort of a pants-on-fire kind of guy.”

Mr. Davidson was eager to strike a deal for Ms. McDougal. He said he tried to dangle the prospect that she might take her story to ABC News, rather than Mr. Trump’s ally, The National Enquirer.

He told Mr. Cohen in a text message to move fast. Some women, whom he called the “estrogen mafia,” were encouraging Ms. McDougal to go to ABC, which he said had offered her a slot on “Dancing with the Stars” in exchange for her story.

On Tuesday, Mr. Davidson was contrite about the language he used in 2016. “It’s a very unfortunate, regrettable text I sent,” he said.

Mr. Davidson said that he thought that Mr. Cohen was seeking to delay any payment until Election Day, when it might no longer be necessary.

“I thought he was trying to kick the can down the road until after the election,” Mr. Davidson said.

Trial lawyers often repeat words or phrases to cement them in jurors’ minds. During cross-examination last week, the defense sought to show that burying stories in the marketplace of salacious news was business as usual for Mr. Pecker: Only about half the stories the ever purchased made it to print.

Emil Bove, a lawyer for Mr. Trump, argued that killing all sorts of stories was “standard operating procedure,” rather than a scheme specially created to help Mr. Trump win the election.

A prosecutor, Joshua Stein, at one point adopted the phrase himself, grilling Mr. Pecker about a licensing agreement. “Is it standard operating procedure for AMI to be consulting with a presidential candidate’s fixer?” Mr. Stein asked.

“No,” Mr. Pecker replied.

On Tuesday morning, as the trial’s third week opened, Justice Juan M. Merchan found that Mr. Trump had violated a gag order nine times. The order bars the former president from commenting on jurors, court staff, witnesses and the judge’s own family.

“The court will not tolerate continued willful violations of its lawful orders,” Justice Merchan said.

He imposed $1,000 fines for each violation, but left Mr. Trump with a stern message: He would not tolerate further misbehavior and was willing to “impose an incarceratory sentence” to assure it. That means jail.

by NYTimes