Afghanistan withdrawal Gold Star father son’s sacrifice: ‘man among men’

Afghanistan withdrawal Gold Star father son’s sacrifice: ‘man among men’

  • Post category:USA

This is part 5 of Fox News Digital’s Freedom Isn’t Free series honoring America’s fallen heroes.

Gold Star father Darin Hoover says the phrase ‘freedom isn’t free’ means ‘responsibility’ to him.

“You know, again, throughout the history of this country, thank goodness there’s been men and women step up over those 248 years and the time before we even became a country fighting for our freedom. There have been those that have answered the call,” said Hoover in an exclusive interview with Fox News Digital.

Darin and wife Kelly’s son, Staff Sergeant Taylor Hoover with the United States Marine Corps, was killed in action on August, 26, 2021 during the American withdrawal from Afghanistan. He had turned 31 years old less than a month prior to his death.


“I couldn’t be more proud of any of them, just like I couldn’t be more proud of those that have sacrificed everything before throughout the history of this country. Because without them, we definitely would not be free. You know, if given the opportunity again, if our kids were to come back to us and ask that same question, if they would join all over again and go back. I know every single one of them would say absolutely yes.”

“You know, if given the opportunity again, if our kids were to come back to us and ask that same question, if they would join all over again and go back. I know every single one of them would say absolutely yes.”

— Darin Hoover

A Utah native, Taylor had known since age 11 that he wanted to join the Marine Corps after watching the second plane hit the Twin Towers on 9/11.  His parents had kept him home from school that day.

“Right then and there, he told us that he was going to join the military and specifically the Marine Corps. Like Kelly has told the story time and time again, those little plastic Army guys, you know, that the kids all get. Those weren’t Army, those were Marines,” Hoover recalled.

Close-up of Taylor Hoover smiling, left, SSgt Hoover with his hands in his pockets, right

Staff Sergeant Hoover was 31 years old when he was killed in action at the Kabul Airport in Afghanistan. (Darin Hoover)

Taylor never wavered from his Marine Corps dream, and went on to enlist on September 13, 2010. He completed Marine Corps Recruit Depot training on December 10, 2010. He then deployed with the 3-7, or 3rd Battalion 7th Marines, to Afghanistan on two separate deployments. 

“He was taken under a couple of his Sergeant’s wings. They had him out front constantly with the minesweeper. And any detail that they needed, done. Taylor had either already started doing it or knew exactly what needed to be done and took it over and just did it,” said proud father Darin.


Taylor’s hard work and dedication to get the job done paid off, as he was ultimately promoted to Staff Sergeant or E-6 by Marine Corps rank during a later deployment with the Second Battalion, First Marines.

When Taylor’s unit was stationed onboard a vessel in the Strait of Hormuz in 2021, he and many other Marines got the call to deploy to Afghanistan to aid in the American withdrawal under President Biden.

Hoover recalled when his son was first sent to Kabul. “Taylor sent me, a cryptic message saying, ‘Hey, dad, I can’t tell you, you know where I’m going. Just watch the news. You’ll figure it out. Just know that. That I’m with a bunch of kick-ass guys and that we’re going to be okay.’ And I replied, ‘Okay, just make sure you bring them home and bring yourself home and do what you got to do.’ He said, ‘Don’t worry, dad.”

SSgt Taylor Hoover in desert uniform, left, Hoover in same uniform close up, right

Staff Sergeant Darin ‘Taylor’ Hoover was a ‘man among men’ according to his father, Darin Hoover. (Darin Hoover)

Taylor’s mother, Kelly, was the first to realize anything was wrong on August 26.

“Kelly and I were talking on the phone. She had a mother’s intuition. And she called me the first time crying, ‘Please tell me it’s not Taylor. Please tell me it’s not Taylor.’ And I tried convincing her that. No. No it’s not. It can’t be. You know, he’s been a strong leader all along. He knows his stuff being in for 11 years. It’s not going to be Taylor.”

“Kelly and I were talking on the phone. She had a mother’s intuition. And she called me the first time crying, ‘Please tell me it’s not Taylor. Please tell me it’s not Taylor.”

— Darin Hoover

“We said a couple of prayers. And I was, I was headed up to work. She called me again and again. She was obviously crying. And she didn’t feel good about it. You know, I tried my best to reassure her, but the way she was acting I guess I kind of took it and figured it might be. I stopped off at a friend’s house on my way to work the next day and I get a phone call from my dad.”

Staff Sergeant Taylor Hoover's official Marine Corps portrait, left, a commemorative flag honoring the 13 fallen American heroes on 8/26/21, right

Staff Sergeant Taylor Hoover, USMC, was one of the 13 fallen American heroes who were killed in action on August 26, 2021. (Darin Hoover)

“My dad never cries. I think I’ve seen the man cry once, maybe twice, my entire life. My dad was crying. He said, ‘Hey bud, there’s two Marines standing outside the door.’ And I lost it. Just like all the rest of the families do when their loved one has been killed. And I had to fly in my car 2 ½ hours back home and met with the two Marines that confirmed that Taylor had been killed,” recalled Darin Hoover.

In the nearly three years since the 13 brave men and women were killed at the then-Hamid Karzai International Airport’s Abbey Gate, Gold Star parents Darin and Kelly have formed a foundation in their son Taylor’s name.

The Staff Sergeant Darin “Taylor” Hoover Memorial gives out scholarships to students who display ‘honor, courage, and commitment in all our endeavors’ as well as donating service dogs to veterans in need.


The third annual Staff Sergeant Darin Taylor Hoover memorial 5k race will occur on August 31, 2024 in Marion, Arkansas.

by FOXNews